Digital architecture and its impact on modeling of interior design of spaces

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer – Interior Architecture – Higher Future Institute of Engineeringand Technology – Architectural Engineering Department – Mansoura


Discussed in this paper, effect of architecture after technological and,
which helped to expand theircreativity in designing a variety of forms 
of buildings by expanding formal options, characterized by flexibility,
and discussed impact of digital technological revolution on
architectural, and discuss relationship between architecture and 
technological composition.
computer software and design tools emerging change in architectural
education, and influenced by the design spaces non-material and the 
increasing influence of technological possibilities, to be affected
directly by technology communication and transfer of information and
digital capabilitiesis effect on generator and elements for architectural 
projects and re-arrangement of urban and architectural functional 
aspects, research and theoretical features of architectural, in studies on
shape and composition of architectural digital technology design, 
components, materials and elements of construction and 
implementation of buildings. 
