The Cost saving of using Limestone as a local material in Construction for lower height Buildings in Middle of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Badr University in Cairo


The sustainability awareness has developed to include many countries that 
contribute to sustainable environmental residential buildings, as environmental 
buildings, looking toward an innovative idea, integrated design and unique 
The research deals with the concepts of sustainability, their criteria, evaluation 
methods and their relationship to the local economy that to obtain the design of 
an existing sustainable environmental using local materials in each different 
environment at the lowest economic cost. Through the investigation study of 
natural construction materials in Egypt, it was found that natural limestone is one 
of the best environmentally friendly building material compared to other 
available building materials in terms of reducing thermal loads on the building, 
which leads to reducing energy consumption at the level of energy use and as 
local materials in construction, and achieved an economy building from survey 
study through the market of construction materials for housing , moreover using 
the limestone to improve the humanities skills and the opportunity of skilled 
workers .
The research concluded with positive results for the use of limestone in the 
construction of sustainable buildings dealt with an analytical study using the 
design builder environment program to analyse the differences between internal 
and external temperatures, to achieve the best thermal comfort inside the rooms 
through an applied model with achievable sustainability factors of economics and 
