A Proposed methodology to Raise the Efficiency of the Design Standards for the Movement Paths within the Facilities for people with Mobility Disabilities “A Care Building for People with Mobility Disabilities in Egypt (Case Study)”

Document Type : Original Article


Architecture Department, Modern Academy for Engineering & Technology, Cairo, Egypt


The problem of people with special needs receives high attention as they are the category entitled to care and to provide assistance to overcome the challenges facing their needs and support them to be able to rely on themselves, especially for those who suffer from physical disabilities, which represent 10% of the total world population, "according to the statistics of the World Health Organization."
It is no secret that everyone is exposed to physical injuries, as he may be born with an injury, road accident injuries, or a pathological injury that leaves a partial or total disability, which prompted the researcher to prepare a study on places for residence and care for people with motor disabilities to find out the design defects of the internal spaces of those places. Which impedes the ability of the users to rely on themselves during the movement by using assistive technological means, whether traditional or the mechanism of movement.
This was done by conducting a questionnaire for users, supervisors, and specialists, as well as analyzing the interior designs of the spaces and movement paths, evaluating their suitability for the needs of the movement of the users, and reviewing them with the standards of buildings for people with special needs, and using previous experiences to reach the optimal design solutions for “entrances, corridors, stairs, ramps, handrails, elevators, bathrooms, toilets, and doors.”
The researcher was able to identify the design modifications in order to reach the proposed methodology to raise the efficiency of the design standards.
