A contemporary visual perspective through the use of collage and mixed media in the artists' works

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Painting and The Dean of the faculty of fine Arts at the Egyptian – Russian University

2 Lecturer at Painting Department - the faculty of fine arts

3 Assistant lecturer at Painting Department - the faculty of fine arts


The material in the art of painting is the crafted tool with which the artist moves. Formulation appears in how it is used on the surface to become an idea. It is a substance found in nature, with humans intervening as intermediaries to uncover and experiment with it. Rapid advancements in contemporary artistic movements worldwide have greatly influenced painting, with contemporary artists adopting an experimental approach that has become a cornerstone of innovative thought throughout the ages. They rely on technique and performative methods in their artwork, revealing the nature of the materials used. Through this, artists have achieved tremendous experimental results, transitioning from conceptual ideas to tangible material existence. Their works have realized philosophical and expressive values, leading to the evolution of symbolic and expressive vision.
Experimental art relies on seeking new solutions on the surface of artwork through the use of innovative formulations and visualizations, whether in terms of technique, texture expression, or freedom in execution. This often involves using environmental waste, remnants of manufactured materials, ready-made objects, or combining various materials and paper pastes to emphasize different effects on the surface. Many new terms have emerged, including collage art, which has become a prominent feature of experimental art. Among the significant artists who have utilized collage in their artistic works are Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Mounir Canaan, Farghali Abdel Hafiz, Mostafa Abdel Moaty,
Reda Abdel Salam, and others who have left a mark in the history of contemporary art.


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